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Nut command / Debugging / Routing Configuration

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Nut's debug:router command displays the configured routes, or details of a named route.

Use cases

Debugging your routing configuration is usually for the following reasons:

  • Finding what routes are registering
  • Interrogating routes for:
    • Required host
    • Schemes accepted by the route
    • HTTP methods valid for the route
    • Handling controller ID, or callable class name and method
    • Middleware functions triggered by the route


    php .app/nut debug:router [options] [--] [<name>]


Option Description
--sort-route Sort in order of route name (default).
--sort-pattern Sort in order of URI patterns.
--sort-method Sort in order of HTTP method grouping allowed.


All Routes

An edited-down example of the output:

$ php ./app/nut debug:router 
| Route Name     | Method(s) | Scheme | Host | Path                                     |
| thumb          | GET       |  ANY   |  ANY | /thumbs/{width}x{height}{action}/{file}  |
| login          | GET       | https  |  ANY | /bolt/login                              |
| postLogin      | POST      | https  |  ANY | /bolt/login                              |
| logout         | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /bolt/logout                             |
| editcontent    | GET|POST  |  ANY   |  ANY | /bolt/editcontent/{contenttypeslug}/{id} |
| profile        | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /bolt/profile                            |
| async          | GET       |  ANY   |  ANY | /async                                   |
| homepage       | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /                                        |
| search         | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /search                                  |
| preview        | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /preview/{contenttypeslug}               |
| contentlink    | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /{contenttypeslug}/{slug}                |
| taxonomylink   | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /{taxonomytype}/{slug}                   |
| contentlisting | ANY       |  ANY   |  ANY | /{contenttypeslug}                       |

Single Route Name

$ php ./app/nut debug:router editcontent
| Property     | Value                                                   |
| Route Name   | editcontent                                             |
| Path         | /bolt/editcontent/{contenttypeslug}/{id}                |
| Host         | ANY                                                     |
| Scheme       | ANY                                                     |
| Method(s)    | GET|POST                                                |
| Requirements | _method: GET|POST                                       |
|              | id: '\d*'                                               |
| Defaults     | _controller:                                            |
|              |   - Bolt\Controller\Backend\Records                     |
|              |   - edit                                                |
|              | id: ''                                                  |
|              | zone: backend                                           |
| Options      | compiler_class: Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCompiler |
|              | _before_middlewares:                                    |
|              |   -                                                     |
|              |     - Bolt\Controller\Backend\Records                   |
|              |     - before                                            |

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