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Twig Components / Twig functions

Use absolute_link to create a proper link to either a relative page, or to an external source. In the below example, the editor can provide either page/about, or https://boltcms.io, and both will work:

<a href="{{ absolute_link(block.contentlink|e) }}">Read more</a>

See also Linking in templates, with a detailed description of a good use case.


Use absolute_url to create a full link with scheme and domain name from a link

See also Linking in templates, with a detailed description of a good use case.

See related_all filter


Use the {{ asset() }} Twig function to create public link to the so-called assets in your theme, like JavaScript, CSS or other files.

For more information, see Linking in templates.


Use the canonical Twig function to create a valid URI to the current page, to use in as an external link. If a path is given, returns the canonical URL for that given path.

For more information, see Linking in templates.


Please refer to the widgets documentation.


Dumps the entire object, similar to PHP's var_dump

{% set about = content('page', {'slug': 'about'}) %}

{{ dump(about) }}

For more info on debugging your Bolt site, see the chapter on Debugging Bolt.

Note: Don't forget to set APP_DEBUG=1 in your .env file. Otherwise the dump() will output nothing at all.


See excerpt filter.


The field factory function creates a field on the fly with a name and optional definition.

Parameter Description
name The name of the field
definition The definition of the field, same options as a field definition in contenttypes.yaml
{% set field = field_factory('title', { 'type': 'text', 'label' : 'Awesome title' }) %}

find_translations(field, locale=null)

Returns an array of all translated versions of the specified field, if the locale parameter is not give/null. When locale is specified, returns only the translation for that locale if it exists, and null otherwise. In that case, the find_translation() function works like the translated filter.

{% set translated_array = find_translations(fieldwithtranslations) %} # returns an array of translated fields
{% set translated = find_translations(fieldwithtranslations, 'nl') %} # returns the NL translation, or null if it does not exist.

See related_first filter


Sometimes you need to fetch a specific record based on the correct user. In cases like these, You'll need to be able to get the data for this user, and the user's id. For these occasions, the function getuser comes in handy.

To fetch a user, pass at least one of the arguments below:

Argument name Explanation
username Search by username
id Search by id
displayname Search by display name
email Search by email

Example 1: Getting a user

    {{ getuser(username = 'admin') }} {# fetches the user with username 'admin'. If it does not exist, returns null #}
    {{ getuser(id = 1) }} {# fetches the user with id '1' #}
    {{ getuser(displayname = 'Administrator') }}
    {{ getuser(email = 'admin@example.org' }}

    {# Or even like this: #}
    {{ getuser(username = 'admin', id = 1) }}

Example 2: Using in setcontent

{% setcontent pages = "pages" where { ownerid: getuser('admin').id } %}

User properties

Every user in Bolt has the following properties: id, username, email, displayname, lastIp, roles, lastseenat, locale, backendtheme and disabled.

The user also has a password property, but for security reasons the value of that property will always be empty.

For example, here is how to fetch the user with username = 'admin' and use its properties:

    {% set firstuser = getuser(username='admin') %}
    <p>Username: {{ firstuser.username }} </p>
    <p>Last seen: {{ firstuser.lastseenat|date }} </p>
    <p>User locale: {{ firstuser.locale }} </p>


Please refer to the widgets documentation.


Returns the appropriate code for the lang attribute of the <html> tag for the current locale.

This Twig function will output the currently set locale in a suitable format for the HTML lang attribute in your templates. For example, if you've set locale: en_GB, this is the result:

<html lang="{{ htmllang() }}">

# <html lang="en-GB">

icon(record=null, icon='question-circle')

Returns an <icon> tag using FontAwesome icons. This function has two usages: to get the icon for the given record, or if record=null, to get the icon specified in the icon parameter.

Record icon

When a contenttype record is passed, the icon function first looks for the icon_one definition in your contenttypes.yaml. If this is not set, then the icon_many setting is used instead.

Assuming Bolt's default showcases contenttype:

{{ icon(showcase) # returns <i class='fas mr-2 fa-gift'></i> }}

Icon specified in icon parameter

The icon function can also be used to return any of FontAwesome's icons. This happens when the first parameter is set to null, and the second parameter is the icon to retrieve.

{{ icon(null, 'biking') # returns <i class='fas mr-2 fa-biking'></i> }}


Use this to include another Twig template in the current template. Twig parses the template like any other template, so included templates have access to the variables of the active template, e.g. those that you would use in the 'main' template.

You can also use include inside the included templates.

{{ include('_header.twig') }}

For more information, see include.

An alternative to using 'include', is to set up your templates using Template Inheritance. This is a method of defining a base template, and then expand it in more detail in the templates that extend this base template. See the section on Template inheritance on the twig website.


Returns the templates for the templateselect field. Note the list_records() function should only be called with instances of templateselect.


Please refer to the widgets documentation.


Returns the locale for the given localecode. Please refer to the locales documentation.


Takes the list of codes of the locales (languages) enabled in the application and returns an array with the name of each locale written in its own language (e.g. English, Français, Español, etc.).

{% for locale in locales() %}
        {{ locale.emoji }}
        {{ locale.flag }}
        {{ locale.code }}
        {{ locale.name }}
        {{ locale.localizedname }}
        {{ locale.link }}
        {{ locale.current }}
{% endfor %}

Will output something like:

<p>🇬🇧 gb en English English {{ link-to-translated-page }} 1</p> <!-- 1 because current is truthy -->

<p>🇳🇱 nl nl Dutch Nederlands {{ link-to-translated-page }}</p>

<p>🇯🇵 jp ja Japanese 日本語 {{ link-to-translated-page }}</p>

<p>🇳🇴 no nb Norwegian Bokmål norsk bokmål {{ link-to-translated-page }}</p>

Please refer to the locales documentation.


See markdown filter.


See media filter.


See next filter.


Use the path Twig function to create valid URI strings to paths configured on your site.

For more information, see Linking in templates.

To insert an image in the HTML, which functions as an image popup use either the popup function or filter.

You can optionally provide the width, height and cropping parameters, like you can do with the thumbnail filter.

{{ record.photo|popup(100, 100, "r") }}
{{ popup("2020-08/foo.jpg", 100, 100) }}

By default, Magnific will display the filename under the image in the popup. You can specify another value for this caption by using a fourth parameter (e.g alt or title tag).

{{ popup("2020-08/foo.jpg", 100, 100, 'My title') }}
{{ popup("2020-08/foo.jpg", 100, 100, record.values.image.alt) }}

Note that you should include the Magnific Popup .js and .css yourself, as well as set up the 'initialization' code:

<script src="/app/view/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/app/view/css/magnific-popup.css">

{# set up lightbox script here, or do this in your own .js file somewhere #}
<script type="text/javascript">
  $(document).ready(function() {
    $('.magnific, div.imageholder a').magnificPopup({
        type: 'image'
        // other options

For more information about Magnific Popup, see the Magnific Popup website.


See previous filter.


Use this function to redirect from a page to another page or domain. Commonly used in an if/else clause, to redirect visitors based on some criteria.

{% if record.image!="" %}
    <a href="{{ image(record.image) }}">
        <img src="{{ thumbnail(record.image, 400, 260) }}">
{% else %}
    {# passive-aggressive way to tell people to find their own image #}
    {{ redirect('http://images.google.com/') }}
{% endif %}
{% setcontent records = "pages" limit latest 5 %}
{% for record in records %}

    <h2><a href="{{ record|link }}">{{ record.title }}</a></h2>
    <p>{{ record.excerpt() }}</p>

{% else %}

    {{ redirect(path('homepage')) }} or {{ redirect('page/some-page') }}

{% endfor %}

See related filter


Returns an array of all options of the select field. Each array contains the key, value and a selected flag for the select option. Note the select_options() function should only be called with instances of select fields.

Example output of select_options(field)

array:3 [▼
  0 => array:3 [▶
    "key" => "milk"
    "value" => "Milk"
    "selected" => false
  1 => array:3 [▶
    "key" => "cake"
    "value" => "Cake"
    "selected" => true
  2 => array:3 [▶
    "key" => "egg"
    "value" => "Egg"
    "selected" => false

For more select fields, check out the Select field page.


Use the path Twig function to create valid URL strings to paths configured on your site.

For more information, see Linking in templates.


Please refer to the widgets documentation.

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