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Twig Components / Methods / setcontent

setcontent is a Twig tag to perform various queries on the database. It converts a human-readable query to actual records.

Much, much more information about the setcontent tag, together with additional query arguments, pagination, sorting and other options you can find in the chapter about Fetching content.

These queries are currently possible:

  • entry/12 - get entry with id 12
  • page/about - get page with slug about
  • animal/search/5 - search for animals and return 5 of them (use where parameter 'filter' to specify search string)
  • (animal,plant) - fetch records for animals and plants
{% setcontent about = 'page/about' %}

<h3>{{ about.title }}</h3>
{{ about.introduction|raw }}

<a href="{{ about|link }}">link</a>

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