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Creating Menus

Bolt has built-in functionality to create menus in your frontend templates. You can define one or more menus in the file config/bolt/menu.yaml, which can then be inserted in your templates using the {{ menu() }} tag.

To change one or more of the menus, edit the file config/bolt/menu.yaml. You can add more separate menus, if you wish, and each menu can have one level of items below it. See the default menu.yaml for an example of the supported options:

  - label: Home
    title: This is the first menu item. Fo shizzle!
    link: homepage
    class: first
  - link: entry/1
    label: Second item
      - label: Sub 1
        link: entry/2
      - label: Sub 2
        class: menu-item-class
        link: entry/3

In this case main is the name of the menu. The options are:

Option Description
label override the 'title' of the record with a defined label. If omitted, the 'title' of the record is used.
title used as a 'title'-attribute in the rendered HTML. If omitted this can be substituted for the subtitle-field in a record.
class used to define an HTML class-attribute
link the link to a Bolt record, group of records or an external site. For example link: page/about will make this item link to a record of type 'page' with the slug 'about'. link: page/1 will link to the 'page' with id '1'. link: entries will link to the /entries overview page. link: https://bolt.cm will link to that external website.
submenu defines a submenu. In the submenu you can define other items, with the same options as before.

To insert a menu in your templates, use

{{ menu() }}

If you have more than one menu, you should use its name to make sure you get the intended one:

{{ menu('foo') }}

Much more information on rendering menus in your templates can be found on the page on menus in the Twig Components section.

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