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Twig Components / Methods / break

break is a Twig tag to break loops in Twig

This library adds break and continue and they work exactly as in PHP:

{% foreach list as entry %}
{% if loop.index > 10 %}
{% break %}
{% endif %}
{% endforeach %}

You can use break with a number to break out of multiple loops, just like in PHP: (continue does not support this)

{% foreach list as sublist %}
{% foreach sublist as entry %}
{% if loop.index > 10 %}
{% break 2 %} {# breaks out of both foreach loops #}
{% endif %}
{% endforeach %}
{% endforeach %}

While you can often circumvent the usage of break and continue in Twig, it sometimes leads to additional nesting and more complicated code. Just one break or continue can clarify behavior and intent in these instances. Yet I would advise to use break and continue sparingly.

Source: Squirrelphp

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