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Twig Components / Methods / country_timezones

country_timezones(country) is a Twig function to return the names of the timezones associated with a given country code:

{# Europe/Paris #}
{{ country_timezones('FR')|join(', ') }}


The country_timezones function is part of the IntlExtension which is not installed by default. Install it first:

$ composer require twig/intl-extra</pre>

Then, on Symfony projects, install the twig/extra-bundle:

$ composer require twig/extra-bundle</pre>

Otherwise, add the extension explicitly on the Twig environment:

use Twig\Extra\Intl\IntlExtension;

$twig = new \Twig\Environment(...);
$twig->addExtension(new IntlExtension());</pre>

Source: Twig

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