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Twig Components / Methods / backtrace

backtrace(options = 2, limit = 25) is a Twig function to get the array of a backtrace through the code to the current point in the execution. Useful for when you're debugging something, and you're not quite sure how you got here to begin with.


In your templates, use the following:

{{ dump(backtrace()) }}

The optional parameters denote the options and maximum depth of the output of the backtrace. See the page on php.net: debug-backtrace.php(). The Twig filter defaults to using DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, to use considerably less memory.


In your code you can also use backtrace, like this:

use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\VarDumper;


Or, using the (global) shortcut:


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