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Twig Components / Methods / safestring

safestring(strict = false, extrachars = "") is a Twig filter to return a "safe" version of the string.

For example:

{% set text = "Bonum patria: miserum exilium. Ut optime, secundum" %}
{{ text|safestring(true) }}

=> bonum-patria-miserum-exilium-ut-optime-secundum

Characters in the string are converted to lowercase, accented ones are converted to their lowercase ASCII equivalent. Punctuation signs, and trailing space if present, are replaced by hyphens.

You can specify two parameters: strict mode and extrachars.

  • Strict mode (boolean, default to false): spaces are converted to hyphens.
  • Extra chars (string, default to empty): A string containing extra non-alphabetical characters to keep in result.
{# Default settings #}
{% set text = "Bonum patria: miserum exilium. Ut optime, secundum" %}
{{ text|safestring() }}

=> bonum patria-miserum exilium-ut optime-secundum

{# Strict mode #}
{% set text = "Bonum patria: miserum exilium. Ut optime, secundum" %}
{{ text|safestring(true) }}

=> bonum-patria-miserum-exilium-ut-optime-secundum

{# Keep dots #}
{% set text = "my beautiful image.jpg" %}
{{ text|safestring(true, ".") }}

=> my-beautiful-image.jpg

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