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Extending Bolt / Doctrine Entities (managing content)

Read more about this topic in Doctrine's official documentation: Doctrine ORM.

What are Entities?

Entities are, simply put, PHP objects that allow CRUD (create-read-update-delete) operations with the database.

Thinking of traditional SQL databases, you can think of an Entity as a row in a table in the database.

The entity class serves two purposes:

  1. Define the columns and properties of the table in the database (i.e., what fields does it store)
  2. A PHP object, store the data for a specific instance (row)

For example, a very basic entity can be defined as a Product:


class Product
     * @var int
    private $id;
     * @var string
    private $name;

What Entities does Bolt provide?

Bolt contains a number of entities:

Entity Description
Content Stores a single instance of a record. For example, it can be a page, showcase or a block
Field Stores a single instance of a field data, for example it's type, name and content it belongs to.
Relation Stores a relation between two Content entities.
Taxonomy Stores a single instance of a taxonomy, like it's name, slug, type and content.
User Stores a single instance of a user, including their name, displayName, email and hashed password.
Log Stores a single instance of Bolt's built-in logger.
Media Stores a single instance of files that Bolt is aware of, such as files uploaded through FileFields and ImageFields

How to create your own Entity?

You can add Entities directly in the src/Entity/ directory of your project.

For example, let's create a new Field type color, which will be an entity.

In src/Entity/ create a class ColorField.php:



namespace App\Color;

use Bolt\Entity\Field;
use Bolt\Entity\Field\Excerptable;
use Bolt\Entity\Field\RawPersistable;
use Bolt\Entity\FieldInterface;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use OzdemirBurak\Iris\Color\Hex;

 * @ORM\Entity
class ColorField extends Field implements Excerptable, FieldInterface, RawPersistable
    public const TYPE = 'color';

    public function getValue(): ?array
        $value = parent::getValue();

        if (empty($value)) {
            return [];

        $color = new Hex($value[0]);

        return [$color];

Then, make sure the entity is properly mapped by Doctrine, by adding to your services.yaml:

### Map entities
    auto_generate_proxy_classes: '%kernel.debug%'
    naming_strategy: doctrine.orm.naming_strategy.underscore
    auto_mapping: true
        is_bundle: false
        type: annotation
        dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/src/Entity/ColorField'
        prefix: 'App\Color'
        alias: Color

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