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Menu / Dynamic menus

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Note: This feature is not yet implemented. If this is something you'd value, please upvote it here on our Ideas website.

You can use other menu.yaml parameters to make a more dynamic menu. In this example we will use taxonomies combined with the menu to create taxonomy-based submenus. Let's say you want to have a few static pages to be listed as submenus under "Pages" in your menu.

Start with creating a new taxonomy in taxonomy.yaml to control what pages are to be listed under "Pages":

    name: Menu
    singular_name: Menu item
    behaves_like: categories
    multiple: false
    options: [ about, pages, more ]

Then, in your menu.yaml change your "Pages" to the following.

- label: Pages
      link: pages
          contenttype: pages
              menu: pages
              limit: 5

Now all that's left is to modify your submenu template (_sub_menu.twig) so that it adds the pages with the "pages" taxonomy.

{% macro display_menu_item(item, loop, extraclass, withsubmenus) %}
    {% from _self import display_menu_item %}
    {% apply spaceless %}
    <li class="index-{{ loop.index -}}
        {{ item.link|default('') == 'homepage' ? ' menu-text' -}}
        {{ loop.first ? ' first' -}}
        {{ loop.last ? ' last' -}}
        {{ (item.submenu|default(false) and withsubmenus) ? ' is-dropdown-submenu-parent' -}}
        {{ item|current ? ' active' }}">

        <a href="{{ item.link }}" title='{{ item.title|default('')|escape }}' class='{{ item.class|default('') }}'>
            {{- item.label|default('-') -}}

        {% set list = [] %}

        {% if item.submenu is defined and withsubmenus %}
            <ul class="menu submenu vertical" data-submenu>
                {% for submenu in item.submenu %}
                    {{ display_menu_item(submenu, loop) }}
                {% endfor %}
                {% if item.list|default(false) %}
                    {% setcontent listedcontent = item.list.contenttype where item.list.where %}
                    {% for listitem in listedcontent %}
                        {% set list = list|merge([{title: listitem.title, link: listitem.link, label: listitem.title}]) %}
                    {% endfor %}
                    <ul class="menu submenu vertical" data-submenu>
                        {% for submenu in list %}
                            {{ display_menu_item(submenu, loop) }}
                        {% endfor %}
                {% endif %}
        {% elseif item.list|default(false) %}
            {% setcontent listedcontent = item.list.contenttype where item.list.where %}
            {% for listitem in listedcontent %}
                {% set list = list|merge([{title: listitem.title, link: listitem.link, label: listitem.title}]) %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if list is not empty %}
            <ul class="menu submenu vertical" data-submenu>
                {% for submenu in list %}
                    {{ display_menu_item(submenu, loop) }}
                {% endfor %}
            {% endif %}
        {% endif %}

    {% endapply %}
{% endmacro %}

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