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Extending Bolt / Bolt Widgets

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 4.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

Widgets allow you to provide an interface to the user for your extensions. For example, a widget can add a card element to the Bolt Dashboard, or an extra button to the frontend of the site.

To create a widget, simply create a new class in your extension that extends Bolt's BaseWidget class like so:



namespace App;

use Bolt\Widget\BaseWidget;
use Bolt\Widget\Injector\RequestZone;
use Bolt\Widget\Injector\AdditionalTarget;
use Bolt\Widget\TwigAwareInterface;

class TimeWidget extends BaseWidget implements TwigAwareInterface
    protected $name = 'Edit This Page Widget';
    protected $priority = 300;
    protected $template = '@time-extension/time.html.twig';
    protected $zone = RequestZone::FRONTEND;
    protected $cacheDuration = 0;

    public function run(array $params = []): ?string
        $time = new \DateTime();
        return parent::run(['time' => $time]);

The TimeWidget class above will run on the frontend of the site, all that is left for to do now is create a twig template to render the current time. Simply create a templates folder at the root level of your extension, with the time.html.twig file inside:

<p>Current time: {{ time|date }} </p>

Configuring the widgetΒΆ

The TimeWidget class above used several variables to configure how and where a widget is displayed, using the following options:

Option Description
name The name of the widget can be used to display the widget in your twig templates. See the Using widgets page.
slug The slugified name of the widget, which is used in Twig functions. If not set, Bolt will automatically set it from the widget name.
zone Specifies which part of the Bolt site the widget is relative to, e.g. backend, frontend or everywhere. Options are defined in Bolt's RequestZone class.
target Specifies the location on the page where the widget should be displayed. The options are defined in Bolt's Target class, with extra targets available for template designers in Bolt's AdditionalTarget class.
template The Twig template used to render the html to display the widget. Put the twig file inside templates/ of your root and use the same Twig namespace as the namespace of your extension, e.g. @time-extension.
priority The priority of the widget relative to other widgets. Higher priority widgets are rendered first.
cacheDuration The cache time can be an integer (seconds), or a DateInterval.

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