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Configuration / Configuration Settings

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 4.0. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

This page lists most of the common configuration settings, found in the config.yaml configuration file and in the .env settings.

Note: Database setup is best done in ENV variables. See the file .env in the project root.


Sitename and Payoff

The name of the website, as shown on the Dashboard and often used as the main title of the site, depending on your theme.

These can be used in your theme as {{ config.get('general/sitename') }} and {{ config.get('general/payoff') }}.

sitename: Bolt Core Git Clone
payoff: The amazing payoff goes here


The theme to use. Dont edit the provided templates directly, because they will get updated in next releases. If you wish to modify a default theme, copy its folder, and change the name accordingly.

theme: site-2020

Set the timezone to be used on the website. For a list of valid timezone settings, see: timezones on the PHP website.

timezone: UTC


Set the default time format used on this website. For a list of valid date format settings, see: date on the PHP website.

date_format: 'F j, Y H:i'

Omit Backgrounds

If you don't like pretty pictures, you can set a preference to omit the background images on the login screen.

omit_backgrounds: true

Omit the generator meta tag and x-powered-by header

By default, Bolt adds an generator meta tag and x-powered-by header to the output. If you do not wish to include these headers, you can disable them using the following:

omit_meta_generator_tag: true
omit_powered_by_header: true


If your site is reachable under different urls (say, both blog.example.org/ as well as example.org/), its a good idea to set one of these as the canonical, so its clear which is the primary address of the site to be indexed by search engines.

If you include https://, it will be included in the canonical urls.

canonical: example.org

Bolt can insert a for all pages on the site.

Note: The location given is relative to the currently selected theme. If you want to set the icon yourself in your custom HTML theme, just dont enable the following line.

favicon: images/favicon-bolt.ico


The default content to use for the homepage, and the template to render it with. This can either be a singleton like homepage, a specific record (like pages/1) or a listing of records (like entries). In the chosen homepage_template, you will have record or records at your disposal, depending on the homepage setting.

Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the website, be sure to check for a theme.yaml file in your themes folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.

homepage: homepage
homepage_template: index.twig

Not Found (Status 404)

The default content for the "Not Found" (404) page. Can be an (array of) template names or identifiers for records, which will be tried until a match is found. When developing your own theme, be sure to make a nice looking 404 page, because it'll help visitors find their way, if they inadvertently land on a non-existing page.

notfound: [ blocks/404-not-found, 'helpers/page_404.html.twig' ]

Maintenance Mode (Status 503)

Toggle maintenance mode on or off. Note: If you're logged in, you'll still see the website as usual. Use an incognito window to see the "maintenance" page.

maintenance_mode: false

The default for the "Maintenance mode" (503) page. Can be an (array of) template names or identifiers for records, which will be tried until a match is found.

maintenance: [ blocks/503-maintenance-mode, 'helpers/page_503.html.twig' ]

Forbidden (Status 403)

The default content for the "Forbidden" (403) page. Can be an (array of) template names or identifiers for records, which will be tried until a match is found.

forbidden: [ blocks/403-forbidden, 'helpers/page_403.html.twig' ]

Internal Server Error (Status 500)

The default content for the "Internal Server Error" (500) page. Can be an (array of) template names or identifiers for records. Note: Only used in APP_ENV=prod mode. You're advised to keep this as simple as possible, because if an error occurs in this template, it can not be handled, and you'll have a bad time debugging it!

internal_server_error: [ 'helpers/page_500.html.twig' ]

Record Template

The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the site.

Can be overridden for each content type and for each record, if it has a templateselect field.

Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the website, be sure to check for a theme.yaml file in your themes folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.

record_template: record.twig

Listing Template

The default template and amount of records to use for listing-pages on the site.

Can be overridden for each content type.

Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the website, be sure to check for a theme.yaml file in your themes folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.

listing_template: listing.twig
listing_records: 6
listing_sort: datepublish DESC

Allow filtering on listing pages using query parameters, much like you would with {% setcontent %}. E.g. /pages?order=id and /pages?title=%voluptat% Useful for search.

query_search: true

Maximum Listing

Maximum amount of items to show in a <select> for picking a record. For example in type: select.

maximum_listing_select: 1000

Search Results

Template for showing the search results. If not defined, uses the settings for listing_template and listing_records.

Note: If you've changed the filename, and your changes do not show up on the website, be sure to check for a theme.yaml file in your themes folder. If a template is set there, it will override the setting here.

search_results_template: search.twig
search_results_records: 10

Records per page

The default amount of records to show on overview pages in the Bolt backend. Can be overridden for each content type.

records_per_page: 8

Default settings for thumbnails

Option Description
quality Quality should be between 0 (horrible, small file) and 100 (best, huge file).
fit One of either none, crop (= crop-center), crop-top-left, crop-top, crop-top-right, crop-left, crop-right, crop-bottom-left, crop-bottom or crop-bottom-right.
allow_upscale Determines whether small images will be enlarged to fit the requested dimensions.
save_files Save files in the thumbs/ folder, so subsequent requests will serve file directly. Great for performance

Note: If you change these values, you might need to clear the cache before they show up.

    default_thumbnail: [ 320, 240 ]
    default_image: [ 1000, 750 ]
    quality: 80
    cropping: crop
    save_files: true
    allow_upscale: false

File Permissions

File permissions for read/write/execute to set on folders and files that are created. The exact permissions you should be setting depends on the system user that PHP (and/or your webserver) is running as, and the user who owns the actual folders/files.

  • If they are the same user, use 0o755 for folders and 0o644 for files.
  • If they're in the same group, use use 0o775 for folders and 0o664 for files.
  • If you don't know, or you can't make it work otherwise, then use 0o777 for folders and 0o666 for files.
    folders: 0o775
    files: 0o664

HTML Cleaner

Define the HTML tags and attributes that are allowed in cleaned HTML. This is used for sanitizing HTML, to make sure there are no undesirable elements left in the content that is shown to users. For example, tags like <script> or onclick-attributes.

Note: enabling options in the wysiwyg settings will implicitly add items to the allowed tags. For example, if you set images: true, the <img> tag will be allowed, regardless of it being in the allowed_tags setting.

    allowed_tags: [ div, span, p, br, hr, s, u, strong, em, i, b, li, ul, ol, mark, blockquote, pre, code, tt, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, dd, dl, dt, table, tbody, thead, tfoot, th, td, tr, a, img, address, abbr, iframe, caption, sub, super, figure, figcaption ]
    allowed_attributes: [ id, class, style, name, value, href, src, alt, title, width, height, frameborder, allowfullscreen, scrolling, target, colspan, rowspan ]
    allowed_frame_targets: [ _blank, _self, _parent, _top ]

Allowed File Types / Sizes (For Uploading)

Define the file types (extensions to be exact) that are acceptable for upload in either file fields or through the files screen.

accept_file_types: [ twig, html, js, css, scss, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, ico, zip, tgz, txt, md, doc, docx, pdf, epub, xls, xlsx, ppt, pptx, mp3, ogg, wav, m4a, mp4, m4v, ogv, wmv, avi, webm, svg]

Alternatively, if you wish to limit these, uncomment the following list instead. It just includes file types / extensions that are harder to exploit.

accept_file_types: [ gif, jpg, jpeg, png, txt, md, pdf, epub, mp3, svg ]
accept_media_types: [ gif, jpg, jpeg, png, svg, pdf, mp3, tiff ]

Set the maximum upload size. Note, this can never exceed the PHP settings for post_max_size and upload_max_filesize in php.ini.

accept_upload_size: 8M

Upload Location

Default location for uploading files. Use / to create new directories. These directories will be created in public/files/.

Option Description
date The current date, formatted as 2020-10-16.
day The current day of the month.
month The current month.
year The current year.
contenttype The current ContentType slug, like entries
random Add a short random string hash, like AB34CD78
upload_location: "{contenttype}/{year}/{month}/"

Note: You can not use the current Record's slug as (sub)folder for uploading of files. This is because at the time you're uploading the files, the slug is often not yet known. Let's say you create a new Page, you upload an image, type a title and then save it. The file would be uploaded before the given title determines the slug. So, the image would be uploaded somewhere, but most likely not where the Editor would expect it. To prevent this confusion, you cannot use slug in this setting.

Curl Options

Options to use with curl requests. For all options, check the official curl documentation.

    verify_peer: false

Fixtures seed

The fixtures are used to generate random content. However, in a testing or CI-environment, this randomness might cause side-effects. By setting the seed to a fixed number, you can produce the same output every time it runs:

fixtures_seed: 87654

Localization settings

When set to true, fields with empty values in the current locale will fallback to the default locale's value.

    fallback_when_missing: true 


Some Application-specific settings are best done in the Environment, instead of in a configuration file. You can choose to set these as you please (or as your hosting provider allows), or simply in a .env file in the project root.


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