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Getting Started / Updating

Note: You are currently reading the documentation for Bolt 2.2. Looking for the documentation for Bolt 5.2 instead?

As with all web-based applications, it's good practice to keep your site up to date with the latest version. Bolt is built in such a way, that none of the files that are used for the configuration are included in the distribution files. In practice, this means that upgrading Bolt works in exactly the same way as installing a new copy of bolt. Skip to the right section below:

Note: The exception to this rule are the default theme folders, i.e. base-2013 and base-2014. If you've made modifications to these files, they will get overwritten. We strongly advise to always work in a template folder with a different name. Simply copy base-2014, and change the setting in your config.yml for theme: base-2014 accordingly.

Tip: Even though nothing should go wrong when updating Bolt, it is still a good idea to make sure you have a backup of your website. You know, just in case. Better safe than sorry. That sort of thing.

Option 1: The easy way, using the command-line

If you have command-line access, you can update Bolt by executing a few commands.

curl -O https://bolt.cm/distribution/bolt-2-latest.tar.gz
tar -xzf bolt-2-latest.tar.gz --strip-components=1
chmod -R 777 files/ app/database/ app/cache/ app/config/ theme/ extensions/

Note: If you have made edits to your `.htaccess` file, make a backup of this file (e.g. `.htaccess.bak` prior to performing the update so changes are not lost.

Option 2: The traditional way, using (S)FTP

Download the latest version of Bolt.

Extract the .zip file, and upload to your webhost using the (S)FTP client of your choice.

Note: You want to merge folders and not replace them. Most FTP clients will merge the folders you're uploading, but some replace folders instead. Not sure what your client does? Test this, before you accidentally wipe a folder and its contents.

Option 3: The developer way, using git and composer

If you've installed via Git, you can update by executing the following commands.

git pull
php composer.phar self-update
php composer.phar update

After updating, you should clear the cache, and make sure the database is up to date.

php app/nut cache:clear

Check and update the database, with these commands:

php app/nut database:check
php app/nut database:update

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