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Working with Bolt / Permissions

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Bolt uses a Role-Based Permission system. This means that:

  • Every user can be a member of zero or more roles
  • Every role can grant zero or more permissions
  • The same permission can be granted through several different roles
  • Several users can be members of the same role
  • Every permission-protected action requires a given permission, or possibly a combination of permissions
  • The same permission can govern more than one action, but usually we try to avoid this

The permissions needed to perform an action are hard-coded into Bolt, but everything else is configurable by editing the YAML file app/config/permissions.yml; this can be done either directly, or through Bolt's back-end UI.

Things to keep in mind

By changing the permissions you basically change the way how people can interact with Bolt, and who is allowed to do what. By changing the permissions you should be aware of the fact that you might inadvertently grant people permissions you don't want them to have. Two important considerations:

  1. Permissions are quite central to Bolt's inner workings, and by misconfiguring them, you can lock yourself out - for example, removing the anonymous role from the login or postLogin permissions will make logging in completely impossible: you will not even be allowed to see the login page.

  2. If somebody has the permission to useredit, they can also grant permissions to themselves or others. This means they can make themselves root, or take away root from others. In short: Do not give someone edit users permission, unless you trust them fully!!

The permissions.yml File Format

permissions.yml, like all of Bolt's configuration, is a YAML file, and the default configuration provides extensive documentation.

Some notable things to watch out for:

  • In a permission list, each item is a permission name mapped to a list of roles that grant this permission.
  • In the ContentType specific permissions, there is a subtle difference between an entry specifying a permission with an empty list, and the absence of an entry. More on this later.
  • The permissions for a given user are not stored in permissions.yml, but in Bolt's database; they can be administered through the back-end UI.

Types of Permissions

Permissions fall into two categories: global permissions and per-ContentType permissions.

Global permissions govern actions that are not specific to any ContentType, such as editing configuration files, modifying users, logging in and out, performing database maintenance, etc. These permissions can be found in the global: section of the permissions.yml file; most of them map directly to a URL route in the Bolt back-end, e.g. the global:translation permission maps to http://your-domain.org/bolt/translation. The default configuration file describes those permissions in more detail that do not follow this mapping.

Per-ContentType permissions govern actions specific to a ContentType. They are defined in three "layers": the contenttype-all, contenttype-default, and contenttypes sections. The way these work is a bit tricky to wrap one's head around, but it allows for maximum flexibility without too much clutter.

For each ContentType, the following permissions are available:

Permission Description
create required to create new records
edit required to modify existing records
delete required to delete existing records; (note that it is usually preferable to disallow deletion entirely, and use depublication instead, because deletion cannot be undone)
publish and depublish required to change the publication state of a record
change-ownership required to transfer ownership of a record to another user

How ContentType Specific Permissions Are Calculated

For ContentType related actions, permissions can be set individually for each ContentType. For this, we define three groups of permission sets.

  • The contenttype-all permission sets overrides; any roles specified here will grant a permission for all contenttypes, regardless of the rest of this section.
  • The contenttype-default contains rules that are used when the desired ContentType does not define a rule for this permission itself.
  • The contenttypes section specifies permissions for individual ContentTypes.

To understand how this works, it may be best to follow the permission checker through its decision-making process.

First, it checks whether the current user is in the root role; if so, it short-circuits and always grants anything unconditionally.

Otherwise, it checks whether any of the current user's roles match any of the roles in contenttype-all/{permission}. If so, the search is over, and the permission can be granted.

The next step is to find contenttypes/{contenttype}/{permission}. If it is found, then the permission can be granted if and only if any of the user's roles match any role in contenttypes/{contenttype}/{permission}.

If either contenttypes/{contenttype} or contenttypes/{contenttype}/{permission} is absent, the permission checker uses contenttype-default/{permission} instead. If any role exists in both the user's roles and contenttype-default/{permission}, the permission can be granted.

Note especially that an empty set of roles in the ContentType section means something else than the absence of the permission. If the permission is defined with an empty role list, it overrides the role list in contenttype- default; but if the permission is not mentioned, the corresponding entry in contenttype-default applies.

Configuring Roles

A simple web site will typically use a three-tiered role system: editors, administrators, and developers. Such a system matches the access-level based system found in earlier Bolt versions. Available roles can be configured in the roles: section of the permissions.yml.

Besides the user-configurable roles, Bolt implements four built-in roles that cannot be changed (but they can be configured to grant permissions). These roles are:

  • root, the "superuser" role; Bolt will automatically grant all permissions to this role. Manually adding it to any permission is pointless, because it implicitly grants every permission anyway.
  • everyone, the "anonymous" role; every user automatically has this role. Adding the everyone role to any permission will grant it to all users.
  • owner: this role is only valid in the context of an individual content item, and the user who "owns" the item (usually the person who created it) will be in the owner role.
  • anonymous: this role is automatically assigned at all times, even when no user is logged in at all.

Content Ownership

Every record of a ContentType has an owner; depending on the configuration, the owner may have more permissions on a record than other users; this is governed by the magic owner role, which is assigned automatically by Bolt within the context of a content item.

Ownership of a content item defaults to the user who created it, but it can be transferred explicitly. Transferring ownership is governed by the change- ownership permission.

An Example: Editors and Chief Editors

In larger organisations, you may have a process in place where editors produce content, but only the chief editor can decide if and when it is published. Each editor is allowed to edit her own work, but not someone else's; the chief editor, however, should be able to redact everyone's articles.

To achieve this, grant the create permission to a role named editor, and the publish and depublish permissions to a role named chief-editor. Additionally, grant edit to the magic owner role and to chief-editor.

This is what it looks like in permissions.yml:

    edit: [ owner, chief-editor ]
    create: [ editor, chief-editor ]
    publish: [ chief-editor ]
    depublish: [ chief-editor ]
    change-ownership: [ chief-editor ]

Manually Checking Permissions

Sometimes, you want to check permissions as part of a template or extension. This is perfectly possible: Bolt exposes permission checks to extensions through the $app['user']->isAllowed() method, and to templates through the isallowed() template function. These functions both take a permission query as their argument; the grammar for these is as follows:

permission-query := or-query | allow-all

allow-all := '' # -> always grant

or-query := and-query [ ( or, and-query ) ... ] # -> grant iff any of the subparts grant
or := 'or' | '|' | '||' # -> case-insensitive

and-query := simple-query [ ( and, simple-query ) ... ] # -> grant iff all of the subparts grant
and := 'and' | '&' | '&&' # -> case-insensitive

simple-query := true | false | permission

true := 'true' # -> case insensitive, always grant
false := 'false' # -> case insensitive, never grant
permission := word [ ( ':', word) ... ] # -> a tuple of permission specifier parts, as outlined above.

Additionally, you can pass a ContentType slug and a content ID as optional arguments; by doing so, the query is run against those instead of at the global "scope".

A few examples:

# view any page and view any entry, *or* edit any entry
isallowed("(contenttype:pages:view and contenttype:entries:view) or contenttype:entries:edit")
# create new foobars, edit foobar #1, or delete foobar #1
isallowed("contenttype:foobar:create or contenttype:foobar:edit:1 or contenttype:foobar:delete:1")
# for item #23, check if any permission is granted that would allow viewing:
isallowed("frontend or view or edit", "items", 23)

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